john daniel
founding partner + business development
John graduated with a BFA in Graphic Design from Georgia State University where he brought his artistry & motivation to build beautiful brands in the Golden Isles when he co-founded h2o creative group in 2009. As a Senior Designer at Ogilvy and Senior Art Director at King, Chambers & Ellis- John led the creative for brands like The Ritz Carlton, American Express, Bank of America, and the High Museum of Art. As an artist in his industry, he is a recipient of the prestigious One Show Pencil award. His creative drive goes beyond the walls of the office, as he finds inspiration in his drawing and illustration.
What moves me
Hanging with friends & family
Fire pits
Landscapes with amazing clouds
My Faith
what doesn’t move me
Large rooms full of people
People who don’t start the day happy
Stop and go traffic
Not a snake fan