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Love your
brand again

It happens. Time keeps moving. Trends keep changing. Goals are bigger. Needs are different. But the brand look stays the same. Trust us, it happens. But that’s where we come in! *Enter a super swaggy team of creatives, with a West Side Story song playing in the background, snapping in unison.  


As our Creative Director, Anne Goodstein, has embedded into our little h2o hearts “Your brand is a living, breathing organism. Nurture it.”

Golden Isles College and Career Academy (GICCA) came to us with an identity that no longer reflected the core values, the energy of the faculty, and the true potential they offer to students. In an effort to catch the attention of their audience and recruit students, rebranding was their unique opportunity for two essential goals: Internally reaffirm GICCA’s mission and externally boost awareness about their vision.

Not only was h2o able to create a vibrant new logo and identity, but we assisted in putting in motion a shift in the way that technical and career readiness is seen and embraced in the community. “The new brand will help present GICCA as an institution that is growing with the community in the efforts to help create a workforce that will contribute in both technical and professional sectors.”

Victoria Joiner – Account Executive 

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